In a shocking incident that unfolded on Thursday morning, a 57-year-old woman tripped over her suitcase while attempting to board a flight, resulting in her leg becoming trapped. The unfortunate incident has left her family deeply concerned about her mental well-being, as they grapple with the aftermath of the surgery carried out that evening.
According to local media reports, the woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, was on her way to catch a flight when her leg got wedged after the fall. Her son took to Facebook to express his family's distress, stating that they were taken aback by the incident and worried about her mental health. "My mother's morale is quite concerning," he wrote, highlighting the emotional toll the accident had taken on her.
Kit Kittirattana, the woman's son, further described the emotional state of his mother before and after the operation. Despite displaying strength through her facial expressions and tone of voice, the family sensed the deep-rooted sorrow within her, knowing that she had suddenly lost a leg. In a heartfelt message, Kit Kittirattana acknowledged that their lives would never be the same and accepted the harsh reality that they could not restore her leg or the life she once had.
Pictures circulated online captured the woman in a seated position, with her left leg firmly trapped under the travelator. Additionally, her pink suitcase had lost two wheels, and the yellow comb plates typically found at the end of travelators were broken off, underscoring the severity of the incident.
Expressing their condolences, airport management conveyed their deep sadness regarding the unfortunate event and pledged to compensate the woman for the partial loss of her left leg, as well as cover her medical expenses. Airport director Karant Thanakuljeerapat, addressing reporters on Thursday, stated that an investigation was underway to determine the cause of the incident. Furthermore, he revealed that the airport had initially planned to replace several old travelators by 2025 but may expedite the process in light of the recent occurrence.
Reports from local media sources indicated that the travelator in question had been in operation since 1996, raising questions about the maintenance and safety measures implemented for such devices.
This distressing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing passenger safety at airports worldwide. Authorities should take diligent measures to ensure the regular inspection, maintenance, and modernization of equipment to minimize the occurrence of such unfortunate accidents in the future.
According to local media reports, the woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, was on her way to catch a flight when her leg got wedged after the fall. Her son took to Facebook to express his family's distress, stating that they were taken aback by the incident and worried about her mental health. "My mother's morale is quite concerning," he wrote, highlighting the emotional toll the accident had taken on her.
Kit Kittirattana, the woman's son, further described the emotional state of his mother before and after the operation. Despite displaying strength through her facial expressions and tone of voice, the family sensed the deep-rooted sorrow within her, knowing that she had suddenly lost a leg. In a heartfelt message, Kit Kittirattana acknowledged that their lives would never be the same and accepted the harsh reality that they could not restore her leg or the life she once had.
Pictures circulated online captured the woman in a seated position, with her left leg firmly trapped under the travelator. Additionally, her pink suitcase had lost two wheels, and the yellow comb plates typically found at the end of travelators were broken off, underscoring the severity of the incident.
Expressing their condolences, airport management conveyed their deep sadness regarding the unfortunate event and pledged to compensate the woman for the partial loss of her left leg, as well as cover her medical expenses. Airport director Karant Thanakuljeerapat, addressing reporters on Thursday, stated that an investigation was underway to determine the cause of the incident. Furthermore, he revealed that the airport had initially planned to replace several old travelators by 2025 but may expedite the process in light of the recent occurrence.
Reports from local media sources indicated that the travelator in question had been in operation since 1996, raising questions about the maintenance and safety measures implemented for such devices.
This distressing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing passenger safety at airports worldwide. Authorities should take diligent measures to ensure the regular inspection, maintenance, and modernization of equipment to minimize the occurrence of such unfortunate accidents in the future.